Case Management Software

CharityTracker is a cloud-based case management software that makes it possible to serve more families faster. Our case management program is trusted and used by thousands of agencies in over 2,200 communities across the US.

Case Management Has Never Been This Effortless!

Make Life Easier

Eliminate Duplication

Go Paperless

Simpler data entry, measurable impact, and clearer communication is possible and affordable - no matter the size of your organization.

Duplicated services? Time consuming paperwork? Not anymore! Our Reporting tool helps you track assistance and secure funding.

Working from home, another office, or traveling? CharityTracker goes with you! Simply login to your account with a web browser on any device.

There are no lengthy training sessions or time-consuming onboarding processes. Simply login and get started serving your community with easy to use, online case management solutions.

Affordable Pricing Starting at Just $20/Month Per User

No Hidden Fees, Setup Fees, or Contracts - Cancel Anytime!








Case Notes & Assistance

Everything from Basic +

Everything from Plus +

Alerts & Bulletins

Measure Outcomes



Upload Documents


Referrals & Client IDs

Changes Over Time Reports


A Case Management Software You'll Enjoy Using

Book a No Obligation Demo:

"Local service providers were asking for a real-time communications tool across organizations and industries containing resource information and agency contact information. Using the United Way network, we saw the opportunity to bring everyone together with an inclusive tool that community members could use."

"We have been using CharityTracker for over 6 years and it has changed clients' lives. We have a lot of generational poverty in our area. By breaking the cycle and by working with all the agencies in our area, and by knowing where they've been for help and what they need, we can better change their life."

Randy Allen

Cathy Easley

United Way of Rutherford & Cannon Counties

Trident Area United Way

Murfreesboro, TN

Charleston, SC

The perfect case management software to help you save time and serve more people

Gather statistics for resource development and strategic planning

Show funders that clients are moving in a positive direction

Case management solutions for crisis preparedness and disaster recovery

Help agencies serve clients more efficiently and effectively

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